BioQuantum “method”


The BioQuantum-Energy-Therapy is an alternative and natural “method” which very successfuly helps alleviate and/or eliminate various health issues (illness, injury, pain, distress). The therapy is performed following the energy-vibrational principle D-BRET (Distance-Bioquantum-Resonance-Energy-Therapy), leading to renewal and stabilization of the human biofield (energy-information matrix of human organism). The energetic intervention causes therapeutic effects in the organism – relieves stress, triggers homeostatic processes of self-regulation and leads to the serious heqalth improvement and/or full recovery.

The energy process (the therapy) has to be repeated for four consecutive daysit eliminates the deformation of the source frequencies in the biofield. With Bioquantum Energy Therapy we aiming to eliminate the primary causes of diseases.

The human organism is a complex self-healing system – capable of healing itself. Therapists are highly specialized biophotonic mediators, who eliminate energy imbalances in the human bioenergy field and activate the self-healing homeostatic processes in the organism. The body has a unique internal mechanism, a natural internal intelligence that constantly works and regulates the biochemical processes and physiological functions (breathing, metabolism, hormonal balance, drainage of toxins etc.etc…) and therefore keeps the balance – homeostasis. The body is exclusively self-treatable. From birth to death a self-regulating system is active within an organism that continuously maintains the homeostasis – natural state and immanent organism’s ability for self-regeneration, self-healing and self-revitalization.

Sometimes, however, the body is no longer able to independently and automatically maintain the homeostasis. At that time, it is necessary to assist with an intervention: with the BioQuantum energy therapy. The main reason for the disturbances of the homeostasis is STRESS (all forms of psycho-physical stress). Stress and destruction of the organism’s natural balance are created by: biological factors (hunger, thirst, sickness, injury), physical factors (chemically processed food products, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics etc., contaminated food and drinking water, poisoned air, miscellaneous electromagnetic radiation sources and electronic smog, drugs with their unwanted side effects, invasive medical procedures, extreme heat or cold, natural disasters), psychological factors (fear, failure, frustration …) and social factors (conflicts in the family, conflicts in relationships, harassment at the workplace, unemployment, etc.). 

To re-establish the homeostasis, the BioQuantum energy therapy is a keystone help. How it looks like? An energy therapist performs a quantum biophotonic engineering by directing the photon induced plasma into the client`s energy field (the information matrix). This biofotonic plasma consists of “informed” high frequency waves that operate in the microwave spectrum, in which the active living cells operate. The BioQuantum Energy Therapy is a quantum-holistic process that allows us to restore the energy field (the matrix) of living organisms, resulting in self-regulation and normalization of biochemical processes and physiological functions. The Bio-quantum energy intervention triggers an arousal in the client`s energy field and causes the effect of so-called bio-resonance. The energy field (the matrix) of the client comes into alignment with the source vibration. Establishing energy balances and field stability triggers the processes of self-regulation and leads to homeostasis – a natural state and the organism’s innate ability for self-regeneration, self-cure, self-healing and self-revitalization. The result of “biophotonic ingeneering” is a major health improvement and in many cases complete recovery.

The therapy is caried out according to the energy-vibration principle D-BRET (Distance-Bioquantum-Resonance-Energy-Therapy). The key to understanding how BioQuantum energy therapy works are some of the main findings, below: 

  • 1) Human energy field is the energy-information matrix of the human organism and represents an immanent and constitutive part of every human being.
  • 2) Human physical body responds (bio-chemically and physiologically) to energy change and is in permanent relation to the “state” of human coherent energy field (to the “information” of the matrix).
  • 3) Destabilization (deformation) on energy level manifests itself as a symptom (disease) on the physical level.

The quantum level of a living organism is a coherent field (the energy-information matrix). Human coherent energy field (aura) is the most complex organized quantum-holistic system (the matrix), which stores and maintains information on every cell and on all links between them; it continuously and automatically monitors, informs and manages all the functions and processes in the body and allows for multi-level balancing. The stamina and stability of the human energy field determine the health of the body. A deformed and destabilized coherent energy field contains false (distorted) information. A deformed energy matrix manifests itself in the body as malaise or disease. The BioQuantum energy therapy restores (corrects) the human coherent energy field and harmonizes it with the source vibration.

The “quantum leap” in the exploration and understanding of the functioning of the human organism was made by Dr. Bruce Lipton, a world renowned molecular biologist. With solid scientific evidence he refuted the assumptions of  genetic determinism. It is scientifically proven what “really” manages cells (how cells “actually” operate and communicate). Below is the link to his lecture: Dr. Bruce Lipton, New biology – Where Mind and Matter Meet (see link: 

Operation AT A DISTANCE: The quantum physics is based on a new paradigm of reality, describing dynamic processes and interactions between the energy fields; it explains the quantum-holographic action at a distance. The transfer of energy to the (endless) distant point allows for Quantum entanglement, which is intrinsically immanent to nature. In quantum physics this phenomenon is called quantum teleportation. The BioQuantum Energy Therapy uses the procedure (protocols) of quantum teleportation – a transfer of encoded information on the client’s coherent energy field, which causes a strong therapeutic effect in the receiving organism (link: Distant healing).

The BioQuantum Energy Therapy practice confirms the quantum teleportation empirically – energy therapists induce and direct the photonic plasma at a distance. This quantum-holistic process triggers the so-called biological resonance in the body. Persistent repeating (for four consecutive days) initiates a process of self-regulation, normalization of biochemical and physiological processes, relieves stress and establishes the homeostasis in the organism.

APPENDIX TO THE EXPLANATION of the Bioquantum energy therapy according to the method D-BRET (Distance-Bioquantum-Resonance-Energy-Therapy):

Energy is the primary cause of all creation – this applies to the formation of galaxies, as well as the causes of diseases.

When we talk about the transfer of energy from human to human, we have in mind a very definite and specific energy … energy as an omnipresent energy matrix – in quantum physics it is called zero point energy. This is the place of primordial vibration. This is the vibration energy source (so-called “active” energy) and represents the lowest possible energy in quantum-mechanical system. In 1913 the concept was proposed by Albert Einstein and Otto Stern and represents a bridge to understanding how energy therapists can induce the biophotonic plasma. The energy therapists arbitrarily say that this energy is informed (intelligent). It is Energy-Consciousness. It is Nature itself.

Max Planck (the father of Quantum theory) said at an international lecture in Florence in 1944: “All my life I have dedicated to most realistic science, the study of matter. As a result of researhing atoms I recognized the following: matter as such does not exist. All matter originates and exists only because the forces that keep particles of an atom to vibration and hold together the most insignificant atom of the solar system … we need to presuppose for this force, that there is a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix and the primary cause for all matter. ”

Today we know that the subatomic quantum world is the foundation of our physical reality and existence. At this point it is necesary to mention some scientists who have made important contributions to the knowledge and understanding of quantum phenomena which we encounter in the energy therapy field.

Dr. Leonard Ravitz proved experimentally (in 1959) that the structure of the human organism is not only molecular but consisting of dynamic energy fields. The key point is that these dynamic energy fields directly correspond to psychological, mental and emotional processes: changes in the energy field have a direct impact on the mental, emotional and physical level of the organism.

Dr. Ilya Romanovič Prigožin, the Belgian-American scientist of Russian origin, of worldwide reputation, a Nobel laureate and highly regarded in the scientific community (for many years and until his death he was the President of the International Academy of Science, Munich) – among other things he investigated the dynamic energy fields of the human organism and came to the following “revolutionary” insights: 1) the existence of a universal law of self-organization of the human organism, and 2) this self-organization depends on communication with the external environment.

The human organism is described as a dissipative structure – a nonlinear and open system, exchanging energy and information with the environment which is able to spontaneously organize and regenerate itself. For the theory of dissipative structures Dr. Ilja Romanovič Prigožin won the Nobel Prize (in 1977).

This dynamic energy field is the human coherent field (holographic matrix), which is an immanent and constitutive part of the human organism. Among the first who researched this energy matrix by scientific methods was the school of the Russian academic Djevjatkov. Insights: 1) the diseased organism is extremely sensitive to external emission (radiation) of high-frequency electromagnetic waves and vice versa, healthy organism in the same treatment does not react with changes and 2) the interaction between the sick (ill) organism and this highly vibrant electromagnetic waves triggers the effect of so-called biological resonance.

EFFECT OF THE BIOLOGICAL RESONANCE and its universal practical use have a great value in alleviating and/or eliminating all kinds of health issues (diseases, injuries, pain and distress). It is one of the key bases for the BioQuantum energy therapy according to the energy-vibrational principle D-BRET (Distance-Bioquantum-Resonance-Energy-Therapy).

Energy therapists themselves find in everyday practice, that:

1) In the case of someone who has a stable coherent field, despite of an energetic interaction there is no effect of biological resonance – a healthy person’s vibration does not react to the energy quantum-holistic intervention and 2) in humans with a destabilized energy field, energy intervention triggers the effect of the biological resonance. Any deviation from the optimal energy status in human energy field (the matrix) “makes” people very sensitive for energy interventions.

To continue: Victor Frederick Weisskopf, an Austrian quantum physicist, active at the beginning of the seventies (1972), established a system of three levels of the quantum organization of matter: 1) a molecular level, 2) the atomic level, and 3) the nuclear level.

Dr. Sergei Sitko, a Ukrainian quantum physicist, added a fourth level of systematisation in 1982, which is:

4) Coherent (energy) field of living organisms.

“Discovery” of the fourth level of quantum organization of matter (coherent fields of living organisms) confirms that every living organism in addition to their visual anatomical and morphological structures (the physical body) has an invisible coherent field. The presence or absence of a coherent field is what differentiates the inanimate matter from live beings. The human organism is a complete quantum-mechanical system which “automatically” ensures the balance between the energy-information matrix of the coherent field and its realization in the physical body. Until the official medical science in its doctrine does not include this essential element of living organisms (coherent field) into the medical doctrine, the truth on the functioning of the human organism will remain unconclusively explained by this community.

The HUMAN COHERENT FIELD is an immanent and constitutive part of the human organism. 

Every living organism is “composed” of cells, cells consist of molecules, molecules from atoms, atoms from protons, electrons and neutrons. They  have small “particles” – quarks, leptons, bosons, and others that emit minimal portion of energy – quanta. Quantas on this “invisible” level create a coherent field of an organism.

The coherent field of the human organism is an energy-information network (the matrix) that operates at very high frequencies, ranging from 52 to 78 GHz (Gigahertz). Experimentally, it is confirmed that the human body “radiates” with its own characteristic frequencies, the level of emitting being in the range of 1 x 10 -21 to 1 x 10 -22 W/Hz cm2 (intensity of radiation can vary greatly between different people).

The human coherent field (energy-information matrix) has an “inherent” ability to “self-regulation” and “self-repairing” from birth to death (balancing homeostasis). If for any reason the organism is unable to automatically regulate and regenerate, this is reflected in the physical body as malaise (disease).

Conclusion: The BioQuantum Energy Therapy as performed according to the energy-vibration principle D-BRET (Distance-Bioquantum-Resonance-Energy-Therapy) is theoretically based on the findings of the quantum physics as well as modern micro-cell biology and biofotonics. Practically, the energy therapy is based on emulation of old alternative and complementary practices, based on traditions of the highly advanced cultures of ancient civilizations.

The BioQuantum energy therapy stems from the universal human heritage and belongs to all people, irrespective of their nationality, citizenship, race, religion, level of education, cultural milieu, material or financial well-being …

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(7 day program)

+386 41 636 532