Hemorrhoids – effectively relieving and / or eliminating them with bioenergy therapy Bioquantum


Hemorrhoids are a health problem in which we successfully help with bio-energotherapy using the D-BRET (Distance-Bioquantum-Resonance-Energy-Therapy) method. The energy process is painless and extremely effective. Usually hemorrhoids (hemeroids, golden vessels) with this method disappear within a few days. Only 4-8 days will be an unpleasant memory. As said, hemeroids (and the pains that cause them) are a serious health problem. In 4-8 days, a special bioenergy technique will be painlessly removed. By implementing techniques t.i. quantum teleportation “remotely” energically restores and stabilizes the affected area and hemeroids (hemorrhoids) begin to disappear after three to four days. We recommend that you find it difficult for many to understand the fact that we are working “remotely” successfully, and do not deter us from the experience that will help you quickly and effectively.

Hemeroids (hemorrhoids, golden veins) are veins (veins) in the rectum. In fact, these are “varicose veins” in this uncomfortable site that arise when the venous veins are widened in the anus. Hemeroids (hemorrhoids) can be external vascular nodes, which can be impregnated and also hurt. However, if venous changes occur within the rectum or just before its outbreak, these are internal hemeroids (or hemorrhoids or golden veins). The cause of the problems caused by hemeroids (hemorrhoids) is usually poor venous circulation and stagnation of venous blood in the liver. Hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids) can be of a transient nature and “calm down” themselves, but they can pose a very serious health problem. When hemeroids appear, the symptoms indicate tingling of the thickened veins (bulic) at the back, accompanied by burning and stinging pain, minor or greater bleeding from the anus, slipping through the back aperture, etc ..

The great advantage of bio-energotherapy by the D-BRET (Distance-Bioquantum-Resonance-Energy-Therapy) method is that it takes place without direct physical contact with the client. It is not necessary to visit the client for a visit to a car or a public transport, but it is comfortably placed in his armchair, couch or bed while doing bio-energy therapy at home. It is not necessary for a client to “believe,” even less to understand how the “technological process” is taking place and what the bioenergy practitioner is doing during “seance”. The only thing that matters is that the method is effective and of course safe. With the energy process, the problems caused by hemoids start at the source (in the energy field), not in the symptoms (in the physical body). Bio-energy therapy is non-invasive, painless and does not cause any unwanted side-effects. It lasts for four consecutive days and lasts up to 30 minutes per day. Learn more about how communication is remotely communicating in bio-energotherapy, and what is your REALITY? Read on HERE.

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Dežurni bio-energoterapevt je dosegljiv vsak dan, tudi nedelje in praznike, od 8.00 do 22.00 ure, na mobilni telefonski številki: 041 636 532. Če se prav ta trenutek ne bo mogel javiti, bo vrnil klic. Z inducirano bio-fotonsko plazmo lahko dosežemo vašo energijsko matrico takoj, kjerkoli in kadarkoli! Ne verjamete? Poizkusite.

How is bio-energy therapy conducted using the D-BRET (Distance-Bioquantum-Resonance-Energy-Therapy) method? First contact a phone for a moment, so that we exchange a few words about the problems that you have caused by hemeroids (external or internal hemorrhoids) and confirm that you are psycho-physically ready to start therapy – or lying in a position) and that you are in a state of deep calm, without disturbing events in the surrounding area. Then the telephone contact is interrupted and the bioenergetics starts.

The pain caused by hemeroids (hemorrhoids) disappears in a few days due to the implementation of special energy techniques and procedures by which the bioenergether in the pain area releases the muscular tone, unblocks the energy flow and increases blood circulation, removes energy blockages (the so-called psycho-nodes) and establishes energy balance in the area of ​​pain (zadnjik, danka). At the same time, with the withdrawal of pain, the vascular nodes are also withdrawn. You wonder how this is possible? Not relevant. Only one thing is important – hemeroids and the accompanying irritable burning pain have disappeared!

Bioenergetics (highly specialized bio-photon mediator) induces and directs bio-photon plasma into the client’s energy (coherent) field, energizes it and stabilizes it and aligns it with the original vibration. With special attention, the bio-photon plasma directs into the energy matrix in the affected area (danka, zadnjik).

Hemorrhoids Symptoms: Internal hemorrhoids (external hemeroids) arise from a variety of causes: lack of movement or sedentary work, foods with insufficient fiber, poor digestion, and difficulty in sludge release (constipation), often with hemorrhoids after delivery. Among the very common causes that cause people to contract internal hemorrhoids (external hemeroids also) is stress. In short, hemeroids are always caused by secondary causes (they are the result of something else). One of the main causes (problems) that cause hemeroids (hemorrhoids or golden vessels are also used) is poor venous circulation and stagnation of venous blood in the liver. Hemeroids (or hemorrhoids) may also be associated with prostatitis, in women with inflammation of the ovaries (fetuses). Hemorrhoids (golden veins or hemorrhoids) are more common in people who eat strongly seasoned foods, and alcohol also accelerates the processes that can cause internal hemorrhoids (external hemeroids), and it is also advisable to lift too heavy loads, etc.


Treatment of hemorrhoids: When hemorrhoids (external hemeroids, golden veins) appear in a milder form, people can themselves (partly) help with impeccable hygiene, with lukewarm baths in which soak the soothing agents (eg chamomile), ointments (for example but children’s rats), etc. Various ointments relieve the problem, but they do not eliminate it. If the problem with hemeroids (hemorrhoids) is greater, official medicine prescribes ointments and spark plugs that contain anti-inflammatory agents and local pain anesthetics, which do not eliminate the problems (they only soften). For prolonged use, these agents also have undesirable side effects – thinner and dry the skin at the site of use and cause (unbearable) itching in the area of ​​the anus. If the problem is internal hemorrhoids (external also), official medicine uses preparations that “burn” and scarring problematic veins. One of their techniques is also that the individual exposed veins “stutter”, prevent blood flow and hemeroids die and fall off. However, if a more difficult form occurs when hemeroids are “advanced”, official medicine treats this problem operatively. Despite its invasiveness, the operation is often unfortunately not a definitive solution, as despite the operation, the problem with hemeroids is often repeated (and with it an operation).

People are often asked, what is the alternative “healing” of hemorrhoids because they fear the unpleasant and painful ways of “treating”. Let us encourage you, bioenergy therapy is an extremely effective and painless method for quickly eliminating the problems caused by hemorrhoids. An energy therapist induces a bio-photon plasma to irradiate the area of ​​the anus (rectum). The procedure is repeated for four consecutive days. For all patients, there is a significant improvement in the condition and, most often, until the complete elimination of hemorrhoids. Bioenergy therapy is so effective in eliminating hemorrhoids (golden vein) that in the case of many who have already been ordered for surgery, they have tried this in the meantime, the operation “as if by miracle” was no longer necessary. Miracle? No, there are no miracles; the results of “healing” of the hemorrhoids are truly “miraculous”. An energetic therapist with energetic interventions in the body triggers homeostatic self-regulation processes – hemorrhoids are eliminated as a self-medication process. Let’s emphasize that bioquantum energy therapy is effective when the problem is external hemorrhoids (hemeroids, golden veins) and just as the internal hemorrhoids are bothering you.

Finally, once again emphasize that by bio-photon plasma induction and directing, bioenergtherapy by the D-BRET (Distance-Bioquantum-Resonance-Energy-Therapy) method is successfully performed – even remotely, without physical contact with the client (quantum teleportation). You are being tortured by hemorrhoids (hemeroids, golden veins) – do not you believe our words? Call and make sure of yourself.Hemorrhoids (hemeroids, golden veins) will be painlessly eliminated within 4-8 days!

Hemorrhoids (hemeroids, golden vessels) are very vigorously responsive to bio-photon irradiation. “Removal” of the hemorrhoids takes place without touching the “problematic” part of the body. Let me emphasize that energetic therapists themselves do not treat these energy methods as an alternative treatment of hemorrhoids. The method is the heritage of old civilizations and the question is what is an alternative to and what is the alternative treatment of hemorrhoids. In short, energy therapy takes place without physical contact (touching “problematic” parts of the body is not necessary); it is exclusively for energy (irradiation). During the performance of energy therapy, the client is dressed and dressed. The energy therapist carries out a quantum-holistic process that gives the unconscious the appearance of magical practice. During the process, it induces a bio-photon plasma that directs it to the “problematic” site (rectum region), which results in a bioresonance reaction. The organism automatically triggers homeostatic self-regulation processes. Both internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids begin to “automatically” treat, celite and thickened veins begin to decrease and retreat to the natural position. The golden vessel usually disappears completely within a few days with bio-energotherapy using the D-BRET (Distance-Bioquantum-Resonance-Energy-Therapy) method!

“Treatment” of hemorrhoids is a domain of medicine, and the initiation of “self-healing” processes is the domain of bioenergy therapy. Even for people who are already waiting for surgery (internal hemorrhoids, external hemeroids), it is recommended that in the waiting time, they try to “heal” the hemorrhoids with energy therapy and quickly and effectively resolve their problem. Experience has shown that in many cases the operation is no longer necessary. It does not matter if the problem is internal hemorrhoids, external hemeroids or other problems with the veins, bioenergy therapy helps.

People are still under-informed about the effectiveness of bioenergy therapy using the DBRET method, and most of the patients who are bothered with hemeroids seek help from bioenergetics only after they have tried all the other (unsuccessful) options. Bio-energy therapy using the D-BRET (Distance-Bioquantum-Resonance-Energy-Therapy) method is now available – ON DOWNLOAD !!! We are aware that remote operation is incomprehensible to the “normal” mind. The energy process takes place at the quantum level of the human coherent field, which represents the information matrix for the operation of all the cells of the human organism. Everything is going past human consciousness. After the completion of the therapeutic cycle, more than 90% of people state that the health condition is significantly better (we store an archive of statements and our clients’ questionnaires).

For more on the method of operation of the method, which is based on the basic knowledge of quantum physics and the latest breakthrough in microbiology, see the link Biophotonic Method.

The highly specialized knowledge with which we perform bio-energotherapy by the D-BRET (Distance-Bioquantum-Resonance-Energy-Therapy) method enables us to effectively help everyone who is suffering from hemorrhoids remotely. Something most wonderful is that you can effectively relieve and / or correct the problems that your hemorrhoids cause without leaving your home. Therapies are “received” at home, comfortably placed in their armchair, on a sofa or in a bed. Bioenergetics are performed daily from 8 am to 10 pm (also Sundays and holidays). Previous telephone announcement and reservation is required.

Hemeroids reduce your quality of life and you have tried almost everything. Not quite everything. Call the hotline number. 041 636 532, we will help you. You can also write to info@bioquantum.si or contact us by clicking the button below:

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