BioQuantum Energy Therapy

BioQuantum Energy Therapy
The BioQuantum energy therapy according to the energy-vibration principle D-BRET (Distance-Bioquantum-Resonance-Energy-Therapy) is performed as a combination of various very old alternative and complementary bioenergy practices.
What happens during bioenergy therapy? Using a special encrypted energy procedure, we enter the client’s coherent field with the aim of strengthening and stabilizing it. This causes the arousal of the client biofield and the effect of so callled “biological resonances”. BioQuantum therapy effects are manifested in the normalization of biochemical processes and physiological functions. The person feels them as an increased vitality, improved well-being, improvement of the health condition or as a complete recovery. More than 85% of clients at the end of the treatment declare that their health and well-being has improved significantly.
Documented health improvement at practically all clients also shows diagnostic parameters before and after therapy. We are performing medical scanning with the advanced holistic diagnostic system Sensitiv Imago.
CONCLUSION: 1) BioQuantum energy therapy is apowerful and highly efficient treatment for alleviating and eliminating all types of illness, injuries, pain and distress. Energy procedures are performed to renew and stabilize the matrix of the client`s organism. Energy intervention eliminates deformation of the source frequencies in the client`s energy field. Energy balance triggers homeostatic proceses of self-regulation and creates very strong therapeutic effects – results in normalization of biochemical processes and physiological functions leading to the significant health improvement and/or full recovery. 2)Supported on material level (the body) by oil-protein therapy as advised by Dr. Johanna Budwig can revive a stagnant process and cause that the ‘dead battery’ starts charging again and awaken biochemical and physiological processes – and cause the tumor (tumors) as well as all the accompanying symptoms to disappear.
BioQuantum energy therapy + Oil-protein “cocktail” + Airnergy therapy + … provide excellent synergistic effects and trigger homeostatic processes of self-healing, regeneration and revitalization. All the treatments that are done in the frame of the “Weekly Package” are mutually supportive and provide optimal synergy to restore and maintain your health and well-being. You will receive treatments, most important information and experience to continue newly-learned routines at home… for your complete recovery.
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