Detoxification of organism
Detoxification of the organism
A lot of healthy things can be done in the morning, that’s for sure now. I tell people very rarely about my morning routines (that was until the day I spoke about it on Dutch national television). Can you imagine I had to tell people that the first thing I do in the morning (before brushing my teeth and drinking my lemon juice) is put a teaspoon of oil in my mouth? And if that isn’t disgusting enough I keep it in my mouth for 15-20 minutes. Pretty weird, right? Or not? And what is oil pulling?
Pull the oil?
What is oil pulling? It’s an ancient Ayurvedic natural remedy to stay healthy, detox the body, strengthen the immune system and whiten the teeth. My teeth were never so white! Sesame oil is the most popular oil to use. It’s important to use first cold-pressed oil. So don’t just use any oil. I use coconut oil. I like the taste better than other oils, and since I use coconutoil for about everything it makes more sense to me.
It’s very simple, take a teaspoon or two of oil, put it in your mouth and swish it from one side to the other. Remember you are ‘pulling’ bacteria, parasites, fungus and other toxins/organisms out of the mouth, teeth, gum, mucus membranes and even throat so never gargle and never swallow. If you do so you would swallow all these toxins. And always spit it in the toilet since you may block your sink otherwise. That’s it. In the meanwhile I dry brush, was some vegetebales, check my email, write an article or just take a moment to myself to do nothing. After spitting the oil in the toilet I flush my mouth with warm water and brush my teeth. After that I immediately drink a glass of lemon water. Normal water will also do.
According to Ayurveda, the tongue represent organ meridians. That makes the tongue a good organ for diagnosis and care, but also for preventing and curing illnesses.
After some weeks you will notice the following:
§ Your teeth, jaws and gums will be very strong. You will prevent diseases of the gum such as cavities and gingivitis. Blow away your dentist!
§ Your teeth will be super white. A bad breath? Never the case anymore with oil pulling.
§ Your skin can clear up.
§ Strengthen your immune system. Many people that have been doing this much longer have never become sick after doing this.
§ Might relief joint pain and arthritis.
§ Fights migraines and sinus infections.
§ Helps clear your skin when suffering from eczema, allergies and acne.
Don’t be surprised if your nose start to run or your gum start to bleed. It’s al a reaction of your body to let go of waste. This will pass. It takes some discipline, but I can tell you from my own experience that it’s worth it!
The above is not scientifically proven, but Ayurveda is a big fan of this. So what is scientifically proven when it comes to oil pulling? What we know is that oil pulling can reduce the bacterium streptococcus mutans. This bacteria causes plaque and tooth decay in the mouth. In a study in 2008 twenty people did oil pulling every day (with sesame oil). And guess what? The amount of streptococcus mutans and plaque was reduced (after only 2 weeks).
Another study also showed a reduction in plaque and gingivitis. Also, this study showed that oil pulling is good against bad breath.
If oil pulling is too much of a good thing for you or you need more proven studies to motivate you to get started then you will love this quick satisfying fix.
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All the treatments that will be processed in the “Weekly Package” are mutually supportive and provide optimal synergy to restore and maintain your health and well-being. In the six-day “package” you will receive treatments (see therapies), most important information and experience to continue learned routines at home.
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